

Oil and Gas Audit Services

对费用的合同遵从性审查, oftentimes referred to as a “joint venture audit” or a “COPAS audit” is not an attestation of the operator’s financial records; it is a compliance review, 或对非经营者每月“共同利益账单”上的费用进行“审计”,以确保费用和贷方符合共同经营协议(JOA)的规定和JOA附带的会计程序.

The 7th edition of 石油会计原则、程序 & Issues, describes the process:

“在收到共同利益账单之后, approved, and processed, 非运营商可以通过检查运营商的内部记录来进一步保证计费的准确性.  这些检查被称为共同利益审计,由JOA所示的会计程序授权."

数十年来,Martindale作为团队成员参与COPAS,起草了20多份COPAS出版物,供运营商和非运营商使用,在这些审计的各个方面发挥了不可或缺的作用, 包括模型形式的会计程序, interpretive documents, and publications titled “Expenditure Audit Protocols” and “Revenue Audit Protocols,为操作人员和非操作人员提供指导方针和责任,以帮助确保顺利的审核过程.

Joint Interest Audits

What is a Joint Venture?

In its simplest form, 当各方希望合并资产或分担勘探或开发前景的风险时,就形成合资企业, a lease, or an entire area or region. Forming a joint venture oftentimes allows the parties to combine their technical, operational, or financial expertise to more efficiently and effectively develop the prospect, area, or region. 双方协商签订《最可靠的体育投注》(JOA),该协议规定了双方在合同下的责任,并允许有效地开发和运营共同财产. 一方被指定为“操作者”,” with the other party or parties individually and collectively referred to as “non-operators.“作业者负责进行作业,支付合资企业的成本,并对各方的生产进行核算, either through an allocation of production volumes or remitting proceeds to the non-operators. 双方通常根据其按比例的“工作利益”分担费用,根据其按比例的“净收入利益”分享收入.”

What is a Joint Interest audit?

共同利益审计是对非运营商在合资企业成本中所占的工作利益份额的共同利益账单(JIB)上的费用和贷方进行审查,以确定费用和贷方是否符合管理协议的规定, many times the JOA and attached Accounting Procedure ("Exhibit C"); the audit is usually performed by one or more non-operators or a contract firm, such as Martindale, on a non-operator's behalf.

Why Conduct a Joint Interest Audit?

许多项目需要花费大量的资金, 从几百万美元到几十亿美元.  非作业者和作业者都明白,共同利益审计只是一种必要的商业实践,有助于保护非作业者的资产.  COPAS Accounting Guideline 19 (Expenditure Audit Protocols) discusses that aspect in describing two reasons a non-operator would conduct a joint interest audit.

A. Assist in the safeguarding of assets by verifying and authenticating Joint Account transactions
B. Review compliance with the provisions of operating and other agreements (if applicable)

"Recovery of cost overcharges" is the most common expression for why audits are conducted, 但也有一些非财务方面的因素在起作用.  想要了解运营商的会计, 想要更多地了解已经进行和正在进行的行动, and being required by corporate, trust, regulatory, or other requirement to conduct periodic reviews are a few other reasons to conduct a joint interest audit.  

In some cases, a non-operator is unable to get an operator to satisfactorily explain certain aspects of joint interest accounting; in those cases, 共同利益审计允许非作业者向作业者提出问题,并详细审查作业者如何核算作业.  In other cases, 作业人员可能会创建汇总在较高级别的jib,这样非作业人员就无法理解所账单成本的性质.  共同利益审计允许非操作人员访问详细的电子会计记录,以便更好地了解所有JIB费用.  


Without question, 进行有效的共同利益审计所需的技能和知识与注册会计师对公司资产负债表或损益表进行财务审计所需的技能和知识是平行的. The exploration agreement, participating agreement, JOA, accounting procedure, farm-out agreement, project team agreement, and the myriad other agreements governing joint interest accounting contain not only specialized defined terms, but many terms of art that require many years of experience and expertise to understand and master.  The upstream and midstream segments of our industry are complex operations, not only operationally, 但是从会计的角度来看.  任何被认为是“审计师”的人都不可能完成一项成功的共同利益审计,就像任何被称为“工程师”的人都不可能完成专业分析和经验丰富的钻井工程师所做的艰苦工作一样,因为他们的技能和知识水平大不相同. 

换句话说,共同利益会计不是财务会计.  It is a completely different field, a highly specialized field just as is financial accounting.  几乎所有的共同利益会计都是由执行的协议决定的,这些协议主要遵循或参考COPAS会计标准和规定.  如果没有专业的COPAS知识和经验,根本不可能进行高效和有效的共同利益审计, or significant, active, and ongoing knowledge of COPAS, its agreements and their intents, 以及COPAS文件的持续经验. 

Why Martindale?

Martindale已经完成了数千次这样的共同利益审计,并拥有一支以员工为基础的团队,随时准备为您的项目提供帮助. Our employees have between one and 44 years of industry experience; they are capable of understanding even the most complex JOAs and other agreements and applying those provisions to the costs billed by the operator.  他们具有必要的COPAS经验.  The expertise, experience, 和最可靠的体育投注的一致性, 我们的高级管理人员都在公司工作了26年以上, 确保您的共同利益审计的最佳结果, whether it be of a single well, a large unit, 复杂注水或提高采收率, 或者是一个覆盖多个国家的大型合资企业, parishes, or states.

We are an employee-based firm, not a loose affiliation of contractors who come and go; with our seasoned and long-tenured staff you receive long-term and consistent service and results because our staff has a vested interest in delivering ongoing superior results and maintaining the history and results-based culture of Martindale.  我们的员工都在马丁戴尔工作, 因此,他们不断为成功而奋斗,并对运营商和非运营商商定的各种不断变化的合同条款保持了解.

Martindale在COPAS问题上是权威的.  我们的大多数员工都是积极参与的成员, 参加地方和国家会议和教育活动.  几位教授COPAS的网络研讨会和面对面的教育课程.  And, many of our employees have participated on multiple COPAS document drafting teams, 包括模型形式的会计程序, with Mike Cougevan having been a lead or member of more than 16 COPAS document drafting teams.

我们的客户包括跨国石油公司, majors, and large independents, to governmental agencies, banks, ranches, family businesses, and individuals.  我们理解每个实体的观点和关注点. 


Operational and accounting dynamics can vary greatly among the many domestic basins and shale plays. 经过数千次的审计, 从单井直井到复杂的千井页岩开发和作业,我们的团队已经对作业有了深入的了解. In addition, we have an advanced understanding of the wide variety of agreements in effect, from the most basic model form to the hundreds-of-pages-long complex agreements with new and unique provisions. 

Offshore and Deepwater

Offshore operations are not just a concept to the Martindale team; our folks have direct and hands-on experience that is invaluable to understand offshore operations. 有效的审计是建立在能够理解船只和直升机的操作和会计动态的基础上的, labor allocations, rig moves, and shorebase allocations; the Martindale team has that requisite understanding.

我们的团队也拥有丰富的深水经验, including participating in the development of the industry's model form accounting procedures.  As the complex deepwater issues have arisen in the industry over the years, Martindale has provided input to the industry from a non-operator and contract compliance standpoint, 用的不仅是公平的观点, 而是要确保运营商能够正确地核算运营,而非运营商能够有效地审计所收取的成本.

Revenue Audits

What is a revenue audit?

进行收入审计以确定是否有工作权益, net profits, royalty, or overriding royalty interest revenues are properly paid under the applicable agreement(s), 例如联合经营协议(JOA), marketing agreements, farmout agreement, net profits lease, or oil and gas lease. 

Complex gathering systems, processing plants, midstream operations, 通常还有许多中介机构和运营商附属方, 再加上越来越复杂的合同条款, require specific expertise to conduct a proper and thorough revenue audit. 

大多数时候,销售量是不可能破译的, prices paid, deductions taken, 或者甚至是收入汇款的净收入利息, 更不用说确保它们是正确的了. 

  • Why do the volumes on my remittance not tie to the state reported production volumes? 
  • 为什么收到的价格与NYMEX或WTI库欣如此不同? 
  • Is the “gross price” on my remittance really the “gross price” or is it net of embedded deductions? 
  • 哪些扣除额被取消了?为什么?  My agreement says “no deductions.”
  • Are taxes properly calculated?

确定您是否被记入适当的石油和/或天然气量, 如果收到合同价格, 或者根据你的具体合同是否允许所有的扣除, 大多数情况下需要进行深入的收入审计.  Martindale已经执行了数千次这样的审计,并拥有一支以员工为基础的专业人员来处理您的项目.  我们的工作人员已经了解并使用了大多数作业者和油气会计公司使用的几乎所有收入会计系统和收入会计方法. 

The Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies (COPAS) created Accounting Guideline 21 (Revenue Audit Protocols)协助操作人员及工作兴趣, royalty, 或其他业主导航的步骤,为一个成功的收入审计.  Several Martindale employees were on the team that drafted the latest version of AG-21, 因此,我们知道这个过程是如何工作的,并可以指导您完成成功的收入审计的步骤.

Common revenue and revenue-related concerns for non-operators and royalty owners include:

  • 对附属公司的非公平销售
  • 加权平均销售价格(WASP)
  • 燃料,火炬,以及丢失和下落不明的天然气量
  • 与州或联邦报告相比的销售量
  • Shrink volumes
  • Affiliate gathering deductions
  • Affiliate processing deductions
  • Marketing deductions
  • Weighted average deduction pools
  • Gross proceeds provisions
  • Highest price provisions
  • lng的固定回收vs实际回收
  • Payout calculations
  • 净利润拨备及计算
  • Gas plant proceeds and volumes
  • 收益百分比(POP协议)
  • 欠银行信托部门的款项
  • 欠州和联邦政府的版税
  • Gas balancing
  • 渣油、液化天然气和石油销售的分配方法

Vendor Risk Management

What is a Vendor Compliance Review?

评估公司和全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站之间的关系是全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站管理过程中的关键步骤. 谨慎的运营商将行使其权利,通过全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站合规性审查来评估这种关系,以确定全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站是否遵守适用的主服务协议(MSA)的条款和条件。. These reviews can result in both monetary and non-monetary findings and answer the following questions:

  1. 服务收费是否反映实际提供的服务?
  2. 材料是否按交货数量计费?
  3. Are prices compliant with governing purchase orders, work orders, or other pricing agreements?
  4. Are vendors aware of company policies and procedures or are conflicts of interest present?
  5. 根据MSA的规定,全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站是否有保险?
  6. Are proper controls in place to detect and prevent future overbillings and fraud?

What is Vendor Risk Management?

管理全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站风险的方法会因公司规模的不同而有所不同, 控制到位的复杂性, 对第三方验证的依赖, etc.  A Vendor Risk Evaluation 首先与采购到付款过程中的关键人员进行面谈, 全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站管理控制的评估, 以及有针对性的测试,以确定您公司的风险水平. An Evaluation may also include a review of vendor onboarding procedures and controls, 采购订单控制和验证, your vendor oversight process, 还有你们公司的道德和热线项目.  Overall, 全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站风险评估的目标是增强或建立您的控制环境,以减轻未来的超支,并减少您的欺诈风险.

What is Martindale’s approach?

Martindale采用基于风险的方法进行全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站合规性审查. We begin by evaluating your MSAs, rate sheets, 和账单细节,以了解潜在的风险领域. 在这个过程之后,利益相关者与公司的主要员工进行面谈,以更好地了解全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站提供的服务或商品, 还有任何潜在的感情问题. Finally, we schedule time to talk through processes and policies with your vendor. In sum, this information is analyzed to identify the areas of highest risks.

我们复习的核心是实地考察. During this stage, our goal is to review, identify, 并验证全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站遵守以下规定:

  • Company’s Policies and Procedures
  • Executed Contracts and Agreements
  • 执行费率表和计费最佳实践

沟通是我们关系的关键. 当涉及到我们的预算时,客户必须知道, our progress, and any potential findings. 事实上,如果我们确定注意的领域,你是第一个知道的.

利用我们深厚的全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站风险经验和专业知识, 我们以一份可操作的报告结束我们的工作,向利益相关者提供调查结果、潜在建议和行动计划.

What sets Martindale apart?

There are many models and strategies out there when hiring a third-party to conduct vendor compliance reviews. 

Martindale separates ourselves apart from other firms by focusing on key principles:

  1. 我们试图找出导致收费过高或控制薄弱的根本原因或潜在问题,并提出解决问题的解决方案.
  2. 我们对待自己的项目就像对待自己的项目一样.  我们理解全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站在您的运营中扮演着重要的角色,我们在处理每个项目时都尊重运营商和全球最大的体育游戏平台官方网站之间的关系.  我们带来专业精神,必要时谨慎行事.



中游公司承包管道建设, facilities, 许多工厂多年来一直依靠Martindale对所有类型的建筑项目进行彻底和专业的审查.  上游运营商知道,他们可以依靠我们来分析平台和设施的建设成本,我们提供的细节和专业知识与他们在合资企业和收入审计中获得的信息相同.  These firms realize that oil and gas-related audits are what Martindale does, 因此,我们能够在了解建筑项目的运营和物流方面以及我们行业中使用的术语方面发展出无与伦比的专业知识.
Combine that industry knowledge with our experience in contract and vendor audits, 毫无疑问,公司仍然相信Martindale将继续在大型建筑项目的审计中提供出色的结果.  您可以通过与Martindale最可靠的体育投注并讨论对您的建筑项目的审计来对您的项目成本感到更舒适.

Gas Plant

对天然气生产商的处理是复杂的.  Whether you are an interest owner in the plant or simply have your gas processed for a fee, Martindale可以通过对工厂运营商使用的加工和分配程序进行彻底和完整的分析,使您的收入最大化.  我们将确保所有燃油费的扣除, flare, and shrinkage due to extraction of liquids comply with the terms of your processing agreement, as does the operator’s basis for allocating recovered natural gas liquids and residue gas.
在确定业主气体中所含液体的公平份额和所提取液体的分配时,涉及许多因素, 最可靠的体育投注遇到并有效地处理了所有这些问题.  Through the application of our contractual and operational knowledge and experience, we can ensure that you receive the natural gas liquids and residue gas to which you are entitled.  If you don’t take action, 您是否知道工厂操作员是否保留了您有权使用的天然气液体和残余气体?

Royalty Audits

鉴于当今租赁协议的复杂性和复杂性, it can be very difficult for operators to correctly account for revenue payments to royalty owners, 特别是当租赁协议与典型的联合经营协议有不同的估值和数量条款时.  Martindale代理过从整个州、大型信托公司到小农以及介于两者之间的所有权利人.
如果你觉得自己对版税支付一无所知,或者只是有一些简单的“行业标准”问题, 无论是对租赁协议和特许权使用费的桌面审计,以确定是否存在不正确的付款,还是对运营商的大油田或采集系统的分配进行广泛的审计,Martindale都可以提供帮助.
我们的版税审计重点是数量, pricing, appropriate deductions, allocations, and distributions to ensure remittances are in compliance with lease provisions.


The differences between domestic and international agreements are significant, requiring experience and expertise to understand the additional and unique complexities.  审查国际项目需要彻底了解各方的关系以及国际业务协定和会计程序中所载的独特术语和规定.  Martindale分析了各种各样的协议,并通过在挪威领导或协助十几项国际审计,积累了保护您利益所需的经验, Brazil, Australia, Egypt, Ghana, Vietnam, Indonesia, Barbados, and Canada, with many projects involving foreign governments as a party to the agreements.  Our passports are ready and our immunizations current; the Martindale staff is ready to show you that our expertise and resources allow us to deliver unmatched results on your international reviews.